Clean Technology Canada

HRAI tackling heat pump technician skills gap with over $500K from Ottawa

August 13, 2024
By Anthony Capkun

Presented by:
Energy manager
Clean Technology

August 13, 2024 – The federal government is providing over $500,000 to the Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Institute of Canada (HRAI) to help address the skills gap between heat pumps and those who install them.

“As we make heat pumps more affordable and accessible to Canadians, we need to empower our existing workforce and bridge the skills gap,” said Steven Guilbeault, Minister of Environment and Climate Change, adding that “as the demand for the technology increases so, too, does the demand for skilled technicians who can install and maintain the technology.”

The current residential HVAC workforce employs thousands of technicians whose skills need to be updated, says Environment and Climate Change Canada. To that end, the funding from Ottawa will help HRAI to:

• Create a benchmark of skills and knowledge needed to safely and competently install and service electric heat pumps.
• Identify the skills gap in the existing workforce.
• Work collaboratively with colleges to develop training that can be delivered in an accelerated and flexible format to address the identified gaps.
• Pilot this training with a small group of gas and licensed technicians in Ontario.


“[Our] goal with this project is to enable the creation of training and apprentice supports that will empower the workforce to safely and competently install and service today’s electric heat pumps to ensure efficient operations, inspire confidence from customers, and minimize service and warranty issues,” said Sandy MacLeod, president & CEO, HRAI.

HRAI’s funding stems from the Low Carbon Economy Fund’s Implementation Readiness Fund stream and the federal Toward Net-Zero Homes and Communities program.

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