Clean Technology Canada

Canada boosts domestic manufacturing to build EV and semiconductor supply chain

September 5, 2023
By Canadian Manufacturing

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St. Catharines — Southern Ontario has emerged as a prominent hub supporting automotive manufacturing and innovation, specifically in the electric vehicle (EV) sector.

The Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario), announced an investment of nearly $4 million for FBT Inc. a family-owned advanced manufacturer of precision machine components and parts used in critical sectors such as automotive, defense, EV, semi-conductor, power generation and more.

As the demand for domestic production of EV, energy, and semiconductor related-parts has risen in Canada, FBT is upgrading its facility to meet demand from both new and existing clients. This includes adopting new robotic and automated solutions that will create the processes to increase its machine components and parts production by 75 per cent. Through this investment, FBT will be able to fulfill its growing orders, create 40 skilled jobs and support domestic manufacturing capacity for southern Ontario’s leading EV manufacturers.

“Ontario’s manufacturing industry is the engine that drives our national economy forward. Our government is investing in the people that make it run,” said Filomena Tassi, Minister responsible for the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario. “By making smart investments in manufacturers, like FBT Inc., we are working together to help these businesses grow which will create good paying jobs for our communities, and ensure a healthy environment for generations.”

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