Clean Technology Canada

Ont. welcomes a $102.3M investment from Mitsui High-tec (Canada), Inc. to manufacture motor cores

June 29, 2023
By Canadian Manufacturing

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BRANTFORD — The Ontario government says they are welcoming a $102.3 million investment by Mitsui High-tec (Canada), Inc. a manufacturer of motor cores, the basic structure of the motor used in electric vehicles (EVs). This investment, to expand the company’s Canadian operations, will create 104 highly skilled, good-paying jobs.

“Mitsui High-tec (Canada), Inc.’s investment to expand its Brantford-based facilities is a huge boost not only for the people of southwestern Ontario, but for our province’s growing manufacturing and auto sectors,” said Premier Doug Ford. “With great partners, we’re building an electric vehicle and battery supply chain and making Ontario an auto-manufacturing powerhouse once again.”

Since opening its first Ontario facility in 2017, Mitsui High-tec (Canada), Inc. has expanded twice to increase production capacity and is now the only motor core parts manufacturer for EVs and hybrid vehicles in Canada. The company’s significant $102.3 million investment will be used to open a new 103,500 square-foot manufacturing facility in Brantford that will help meet the growing demand for its products.

To support Mitsui High-tec (Canada), Inc.’s expansion, the government is investing $3.1 million through Invest Ontario, the province’s investment attraction agency.


“As the sole motor core parts manufacturer for EVs, Mitsui High-tec (Canada), Inc. plays an important role in Ontario’s auto and advanced manufacturing sectors,” said Vic Fedeli, Minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade. “Their exciting new investment will create more good-paying jobs and help ensure that the cars of the future are built in Ontario by Ontario workers. Thank you, Mitsui High-tec (Canada), Inc., for choosing Ontario.”

This investment furthers Driving Prosperity, the government’s 10-year plan to transform Ontario’s automotive supply chain to build the cars of the future, including fully-battery electric vehicles.

“Ontario has been a great place for Mitsui High-tec (Canada) Inc. to settle and build. With the growing focus on the Hybrid and EV industry in Canada, and our opportunity to strengthen the supply chain, Ontario is a fantastic location to be close to borders for export, with space and opportunity to continue growing. Brantford has specifically been a great place to expand into, as there is a healthy job force, and space for development. We are looking forward to continuing to foster our relationship with the region of Brantford and Province of Ontario in this next phase of expansion,” said Yasushi Harada, President of Mitsui High-tec (Canada), Inc.

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