Clean Technology Canada

PepsiCo Canada using Canadian sources to achieve renewable electricity target

June 14, 2023
By Mario Cywinski

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Photo: CNW Group/PepsiCo Canada

PepsiCo Canada’s (PepsiCo) operations plan to use Canadian renewable energy to have its operations be 100 per cent renewable starting in 2023. The Canadian operations transition will secure over 160,000 megawatt-hours of electricity from renewable sources annually.

“We’re incredibly proud to share that we’re on track to achieve our goal of sourcing 100 per cent renewable electricity,” said Chris Johnson, national engineering and sustainability senior manager, PepsiCo Canada. “This is just another step forward in our journey to build a more sustainable food system and ultimately, building a more circular economy in Canada with renewable electricity generated right in our own backyard.”

PepsiCo plans to reach its targets through a 12-year Virtual Power Purchase Agreement with a TransAlta subsidiary for a new wind farm in Hanna, Alberta. The Garden Plain Wind Project, a 14,000-acre plot of land is expected to produce 130 megawatts of wind power per year. PepsiCo also will purchase of Canadian Green-e certified renewable energy certificates from Canadian wind sources.

“TransAlta congratulates PepsiCo Canada for making a significant commitment to renewable energy through our Garden Plain Wind Project,” said Ross Piché, vice-president, projects, and construction, TransAlta. “We are excited to partner with them to deliver a customized, sustainable, and reliable energy solution the company can rely on. The delivery of clean, renewable energy supports PepsiCo Canada’s sustainability goals while providing renewable electric energy to the region.”

Additionally, PepsiCo will begin to replace plastic drink carriers with cardboard carriers and pilot electric fleet vehicles in Canada later this year.


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