Clean Technology Canada

Terex says its South Dakota facilities are fully powered by renewable resources

August 25, 2023
By Anthony Capkun

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EB Mag
Clean Technology

August 25, 2023 – Terex Utilities reports that 100% of the electricity that powers its facilities in South Dakota comes from renewable resources, and has been since January 2022.

“This was made possible through the purchase of Renewable Energy Certificates [RECs] from our local utilities,” said Eric Moore, facilities manager.

A REC is created each time 1 MWh of renewable energy is generated and made available for consumption. The RECs are verified and tracked by the Midwest Renewable Energy Tracking System (M-RETS) as proof of the renewable generation.

Terex explains that utilities use RECs to comply with state environmental standards and goals, and can offer RECs to customers to offset any fossil fuels in their power supply mix. The use of RECs supports investments in additional carbon-free energy production.


“Our customers—municipalities, rural co-ops, and investor-owned utilities—have been on a journey to reach net-zero carbon emissions goals in the coming years. Purchasing RECs is one way we stand in support of their efforts locally,” Moore added.

Terex Utilities is a manufacturer of aerial devices and digger derricks for the electric utility industry.

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